Category: DOL Rules

Rollover Recommendations: PTE 2020-02 Compliance Considerations Following the DOL Fiduciary Rule Stay

The effective date of the DOL’s new expansive fiduciary rule and the amendments to Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 has been stayed pending the outcome of the lawsuits challenging the rule and the amended PTE.

However, broker-dealers and their registered representatives (advisors) may still be fiduciaries under the current DOL fiduciary rule when recommending rollovers and may need to comply with the current version of PTE 2020-02 to receive the management fee that results from the  rollover recommendation. This blog post describes circumstances when compliance with the PTE may be needed and the PTE conditions that apply now.

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New DOL Fiduciary Rule Stayed: What Advisors and Insurance Agents Recommending Rollovers Should Do Now

The stay of the new DOL fiduciary rule will remain in effect until the lawsuits challenging the rule are decided and appeals are resolved. This litigation process is likely to take several years. In the meantime, the fiduciary status of advisors and agents will be measured under the current regulation’s five-part test. However, in some cases the application of that test could result, as this article explains, in apparent one-time recommendations being deemed to satisfy the five-part test. As a result, advisors, agents and their firms should carefully consider where fiduciary status for retirement accounts may apply and, in those cases, should consider complying with the conditions of an applicable prohibited transaction exemption.

To view the full alert, visit the Faegre Drinker website.

The New Fiduciary Rule and Amended PTE 2020-02: Effective Date Considerations

The DOL’s new fiduciary advice rule, effective September 23, 2024, will cause many one-time recommendations to be fiduciary advice.  As a result, many more recommendations to retirement investors—private sector retirement plans, participants in those plans, and IRA owners—by broker-dealers and their representatives (advisors) will undoubtedly be fiduciary advice under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code (the Code).

If the fiduciary advice results in compensation that the advisor would not have received absent the advice (for example, commissions or 12b-1 fees on IRA investment transactions or advisory fees from the IRA, in the case of a rollover), it is considered conflicted compensation prohibited under ERISA and the Code. As a result, many advisors will need the protection provided by Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 in order to receive the conflicted compensation resulting from the fiduciary advice.

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Proposed Changes to PTE 2020-02 that Impact Broker-Dealers

The DOL has proposed amendments to its regulation defining fiduciary advice so that, in most cases, a single recommendation to a retirement investor will be a fiduciary act.  In addition, the DOL has proposed amendments to  Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02, which provides relief for prohibited conflicts of interest (e.g., commissions and fees). Both the amended regulation and the PTE could be finalized soon.  This post focuses on the proposed amendments that will impact broker-dealers and their registered representatives (investment professionals).


The current and proposed PTE 2020-02 allow broker-dealers and investment professionals to receive conflicted compensation resulting from non-discretionary fiduciary investment advice to private sector tax-qualified and ERISA-governed retirement plans, participants in those plans, and IRA owners (collectively, “retirement investors.”).  The current version of the PTE is not available for investment advice generated solely by an interactive website based on personal information supplied by the investor on the website (i.e., robo-advice) where there is no personal interaction or advice with an investment professional.

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Compensation Requirements under Proposed Amendments to PTE 2020-02

Broker-dealers and their registered representatives (advisors) providing services to private sector tax-qualified and ERISA-governed retirement plans, participants in those plans and IRA owners (collectively, Retirement Investors) are subject to a number of compensation rules.

ERISA’s fiduciary responsibility rules mandate that ERISA plans pay no more than reasonable compensation to service providers (including advisors).

In addition, the prohibited transaction rules that apply to Retirement Investors set limitations on compensation. For example, if a service provider receives compensation in excess of a reasonable amount, the excess is a prohibited transaction for both the plan fiduciary and the service provider. It is also a prohibited transaction if an advisor receives compensation that varies based upon the recommendation made (i.e., variable compensation) or third-party compensation as a result of the recommendation, unless a prohibited transaction exemption applies. Lastly, some prohibited transaction exemptions – like Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 – have other limitations on compensation. This post focuses on the compensation limitations in the DOL’s proposed amendments to PTE 2020-02.

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The Proposed DOL Fiduciary Rule: Significant Changes for Advisers

Benefits and executive compensation partner Fred Reish and counsel Joan Neri coauthored an article for IAA Today on the proposed fiduciary rule issued by the Department of Labor (DOL).

The authors highlight key provisions of the proposal and the amendments to prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) 2020-02 that will potentially impact investment advisers. They also note that the next step is for the DOL to receive comments on the proposed changes and develop a final regulation, and they reasonably expect final rules in mid-year 2024.

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In Case You Missed It: Broker-Dealer Regulation & Litigation Digest – Winter 2023

The Broker-Dealer Regulation & Litigation Digest is a periodic compilation of the most read blog posts published on the Broker-Dealer Law Blog during the last few months. Here you can catch up on what you missed or re-read these popular posts.

The DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule: What We Can Expect

By Fred Reish and Joan M. Neri
The current Department of Labor fiduciary rule says that a broker-dealer and its registered representatives (advisors) are fiduciaries to a plan under ERISA if a functional five-part test is satisfied. This same five-part test applies to determining whether an advisor is a fiduciary to an IRA under the Internal Revenue Code.

You Might Want to Write Down Why You Recommended That Rollover

By Sandra D. Grannum, Jamie L. Helman and Emmanuel Brown
The Division of Examinations of the Securities and Exchange Commissions (the Division) has been busy implementing examinations of broker-dealers to assess compliance with the regulation. The Division is planning to include Reg BI compliance into future examinations of broker-dealers. Therefore, the Division issued a Risk Alert on January 30, 2023, calling attention to deficiencies found during broker-dealer compliance examinations, as well as certain inadequate practices that might lead to deficiencies. Broker-dealers should pay attention to the issues identified by the SEC so that they do not expose themselves to regulatory trouble later down the line.

Managing IRAs: Charging Different Fees for Different Investments

By Fred Reish and Joan M. Neri
Registered investment advisers, including dual registrant broker-dealers, who provide discretionary investment management services to individual retirement accounts (IRAs), are fiduciaries under the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). While the Code does not have a fiduciary standard of care, it does have a duty of loyalty in the sense that most conflicts of interest are prohibited.

Florida Court Decision’s Impact on Rollover Advice

Key Takeaways:

The Department of Labor (the DOL) expanded its interpretation of fiduciary advice in its guidance issued in connection with Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02. As a result, many more broker-dealers and registered representatives (advisors) became fiduciaries under ERISA and/or the Code for their recommendations to retirement investors, including rollover recommendations. Since fiduciary recommendations that result in transaction-based compensation are generally prohibited transactions, they will need the protection provided by complying with the conditions in PTE 2020-02.

A federal district court in Florida (American Securities Association (ASA) v. U.S. Department of Labor, Case No. 8:22-cv-330 (M.D. Fla. Feb. 13, 2023)) set aside the DOL’s expanded interpretation of fiduciary investment advice for rollover recommendations. At the time of writing this article, we do not know whether the DOL will appeal that decision.

However, the court did not change the regulatory definition of fiduciary advice and its application to advice to retirement plans or IRAs. Even if the expanded interpretation for rollover recommendations does not apply, where broker-dealers and their advisors provide ongoing advice to retirement investors they can still be fiduciaries for recommendations to IRA owners, plan fiduciaries and participants (and, in addition, under the DOL’s previous guidance can, in limited circumstances, still be fiduciaries for rollover recommendations). As a result, broker-dealers and their advisors will still need the relief provided by PTE 2020-02, including the best interest process it requires.

Continue reading “Florida Court Decision’s Impact on Rollover Advice”

The DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule: What We Can Expect

Key Takeaways:

The current DOL fiduciary rule says that a broker-dealer and its registered representatives (advisors) are fiduciaries to a plan under ERISA if a functional 5-part test is satisfied. This same 5-part test applies to determining whether an advisor is a fiduciary to an IRA under the Internal Revenue Code (the Code).

The DOL expanded its interpretation of fiduciary advice in the Preamble to PTE 2020-02 by re-interpreting one of the elements of that 5-part test. As a result, many more broker-dealers and their advisors are fiduciaries under ERISA and/or the Code for their recommendations to retirement investors, including rollover recommendations. While a recent decision by a Federal District Court in Florida set aside the DOL’s position on fiduciary status due to rollover recommendations, it did not change the 5-part test and its application to advice to retirement plans or IRAs. (We will discuss the impact of that holding on rollover recommendations in a future article.)

The DOL’s regulatory agenda indicates that in the near future, the DOL will be proposing a new fiduciary definition and proposing amendments to existing prohibited transaction exemptions (PTEs) to align with the proposed regulation. While we don’t know what the new regulation will say, we anticipate that, at the least, it will include the DOL’s expanded interpretation of fiduciary advice for rollovers (and might go beyond that). We also anticipate that many of the conditions in PTE 2020-02 will be included in the proposals for other exemptions, for example, in PTE 84-24.


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Rollover Recommendations – Do the SEC and DOL Requirements Align?

Key Takeaways

The SEC and the DOL have separately issued guidance on rollover recommendations – however, a close examination indicates that the guidance by both agencies is very similar. The SEC’s guidance for broker-dealers is in Regulation Best Interest and a recent Staff Bulletin on account recommendations. The DOL’s guidance about rollover recommendations came in the form of an expanded interpretation of fiduciary advice found in the Preamble to PTE 2020-02 and a set of Frequently Asked Questions. These pieces of guidance share the following three principles: (1) a best interest standard, (2) a process to support that best interest standard that requires consideration of relevant factors about the investor, the investor’s current retirement account and the recommended rollover account, and (3) documentation supporting the basis for the recommendation.

There are a few differences between the SEC and the DOL guidance that broker-dealers and their registered representatives should know about, including that the SEC rollover guidance is applicable to a much broader array of retirement plans and accounts, and also that the SEC guidance does not require a disclosure about the best interest reasons for the rollover recommendation as does the DOL under PTE 2020-02.

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